@jinusean3000: 만원의기적 15번째 주인공 빅뱅이 어린이재활병원 건립을 위해 함께 해주었습니다 한명씩 만원의기적을 신청해주어서 빅뱅이 15,16,17,18,19번째 만원의기적 주인공이 되주었습니다
Translation: "10000 Won Miracle's 15th participant. Big Bang has participated for the construction of a Children's Rehabilitation Hospital. Each member participated so they count as the 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th participant for 10000 Won Miracle."
Note: 10000 Won is around $10 USD
Translated by @kristinekwak
YG Family Joins ′10,000 Won Miracle′ Project
YG Family artists are taking a moment from their busy schedules to campaign for a good cause!
On March 20, Sean tweeted, “′10,000 won miracle′ project’s 21st main character, 2NE1 has taken part to help fund the construction of a children’s hospital. Our 2NE1 cuties whose hearts are pretty too~ they even went to volunteer with me,” and included a picture of Sean and the group.
Soon after, Sean tweeted pictures of him with Se7en as well as Big Bang, writing, “I’m receiving a lot of strength from my dongsengs who are doing this with me. Big Bang is now the ’10,000 won miracle’ project’s 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th main characters.”
Sean and the Pureme Foundation are behind the ′10,000 won miracle′ project which asks for a donation of 10,000 won a day for 365 days to help fund the construction of a children’s hospital for mentally and physically challenged children.
Netizens commented on the pictures saying, “Sean always seems to be doing a kind act”, “He’s so cool” and “Big Bang jjang.”
Source: Enewsworld.com
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